Author Guidelines


  • Title
    (along with author names, affiliations, and email addresses)
  • Abstract in Indonesian (including keywords)
  • Abstract in English (following the same structure as the Indonesian abstract)
  1. Introduction
    1.1 Background
    1.2 Research Objectives (General and Specific)
    1.3 Research Benefits
  2. Research Methods
  3. Results and Discussion
    (explanation of research results and immediate discussion of those results)
  4. Conclusion and Recommendations
    4.1 Conclusion
    4.2 Recommendations
  5. References
    (reference writing and bibliography based on the Harvard system)


    1. Use Microsoft Word for word processing, with the font type Times New Roman.
    2. Paper layout: left margin 3 cm; right, top, and bottom margins 2 cm.
    3. Title in capital letters, font size 12, bold, and centered.
    4. Author names, institution, and email addresses with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Font size 10, bold, and centered.
    5. Abstract typed in 1 (one) column, font size 9, italic, single-spaced, and no more than 250 words.
    6. Subheadings and sub-subheadings typed in font size 10, bold, left-aligned, numbered, with 1.5 line spacing above and below.
    7. Content (from introduction to references) typed in 2 (two) columns, column spacing 1 cm, font size 10, justified alignment, first line of paragraphs indented 1 cm with single spacing.
    8. Tables/Figures, etc.: Table/Figure titles in uppercase, bold, font size 9; table contents unbolded, font size 8.
    9. References typed in font size 10, single-spaced. Space between references 1.5 lines. It is important that references use scientific sources and recent years.
    10. Typing guidelines follow the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI).
    11. Template can be accessed at LINK